Psychiczne cierpienie
wynikające z nieudanych operacji zmiany płci było również powodem eutanazji 44
letniego Nathana, przeprowadzonej w Brukseli w poniedziałek. Urodzony jako
kobieta dwukrotnie próbował przeszczepić sobie męski organ płciowy. Nie do
końca udane operacje zdaniem belgijskich lekarzy spowodowały, że zaburzenia
tożsamości i problemy psychiczne u mężczyzny powodowały wystarczające cierpienie
by przystać na jego prośbę i pomóc mu zakończyć życie.
W tym roku w Belgii przeprowadzono już 1200
zabiegów eutanazji. Jeśli prawo do eutanazji zostanie rozciągnięte
na niepełnoletnich, życzenia śmierci belgijscy lekarze będą spełniać jeszcze
częściej i być może z jeszcze bardziej błahych powodów.
Belgians want euthanasia for teenagers…
75% of Belgians are in favour of expanding the right of euthanasia for
adolescents , who suffer from incurable diseases. The author of euthanasia law,
existing in Belgium since 2002, for months now is trying to push for its
expenditure. Senator Philippe Mahoux told me few months ago that “such
solution is fair, because a young man who suffer from incurable disease should
be able to decide to finish his life in the same manner as an older person can
do”. Such statements and propositions can be shocking in many countries,
but in Belgium they are fully understood and respected. Euthanasia has almost
become a normal, everyday medical intervention here. There have been 1432
euthanasia conducted in Belgium last year, 52 of which were proceed for
psychical rather than physical reasons. Psychical suffering was the reason of
the first in the world twin brothers euthanasia, conducted in Belgium at the
beginning of this year. 45 years old Eddy and Franck, both deaf mute from
birth, asked to die when one of them started to lose his eyesight. The
perspective of no communication after one of them would become blind, was
causing such sufferance that both brothers asked for euthanasia and the Belgian
doctors fulfilled their will.
Psychical sufferance caused by unsuccessful operations of sex change was also
the reason of he euthanasia conducted on 44 year old Nathan last Monday. Born
in a woman body Nathan tried to change his sex two times, but the results of
the medical interventions were not satisfying him. Belgian doctors agreed that
his psychical sufferance caused by the troubled identity were enough reasons to
let him die.
this year in Belgium some 1200 euthanasia were conducted so far. If the law to
die is expanded on adolescents, Belgian doctors will soon fulfill even
more death wills here, and the reasons for euthanasia may become even more
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